
MMA combines ineffective techniques of all martial arts

mixed ineffective techniques of all martial arts to create a system of fight


The article has been published in a news paper: https://midtowntribune.com/2021/09/06/mma/

 In the previous era martial artists took efficient elements from multiple styles to create the mixed martial arts. But the evolution shouldn’t be ended on it. Let’s expand our vision of mixed martial arts and create something out of inefficient.

MMA is the mixed martial arts consisting of the effective techniques borrowed from many combat systems. The effective techniques are elements that work. Such martial art called Pankration existed in the Ancient Greece.

Today, mma as a sport has gained popularity all over the world. Thanks to UFC
championships started to promote it back in 90s.

But many people still don’t know that there is a mixed martial art combines only ineffective techniques of all possible fighting systems such as karate, taekwondo, kungfu styles, brazilian jiu jitsu, freestyle wrestling, judo and so on. The inventor of this art called hardfight is Tamerlan Kuzgov.

For over 3000 years, since martial arts have been created no one has done that before and therefore, it’s deserves respect and might be considered as a contribution to the world of martial arts.

At the beginning of the 2000s he has applied the scientific approach and took elements which don’t work personally for him and elements based on the principle of none economy, and unreality. The criterion to consider them none effective should be your practical result. Analyzing and developing this idea, he has had to pick up in the same way various ineffective physical exercises of warm-up, flexibility, speed, strength, and weapons of martial arts. This system isn’t created for the real fight because it’s senseless to apply ineffective techniques, but as a fitness program or demonstration purposes it can be used.

An example of the very ineffective stance and :


Bend down as far as you can go and extend the weak foot and hands as far as you can. Thus, you have created longest distance between your weak hand, foot and an opponent who stands behind your back. The back and head are exposed for hits. Also, you need to stand up and turn your body towards the opponent before you start to attack or block. Therefore, you’ll waste maximum time to kick, punch or block especially when you apply acrobatic forms:




An example of the very effective stance:


The leading hand and foot are maximum close to the target and take short time to get to the target. The only thing you have to do is to step ahead and throw your straight punch with the leading hand:

At the same time,  you have the freedom of self-expression, and you can use any elements or way in any situation, for example, effective forms and so on. In this way, this martial art together with any elements which can be used is a one whole.

Moreover, for individuals, there are medium techniques that sometimes works, but sometimes it is not. There are two systems of mixed martial arts that I’ve described already. One of the systems combines useless elements and what is this article about, while another combines only medium elements.

The knowledge of the effective, medium and ineffective techniques must be considered as one whole or trinity. This is the ultimate because no other types of techniques exist in Nature and all that could be mixed is mixed and in this sense it seems impossible to make it better or worse. Now we have the exact opposite to the “effective” MMA, and it bases on the symbol of Ying and Yang. According to this east thought for any force, the Nature has the exact opposite force. For example, if there is a day, there is a night, and if there is something that works, there is something that works not.









Mixing Useless Techniques Of All Martial Arts


The new and modified stances for throwing knifes

The method of throwing knife from the stances based on the concept “mixed medium techniques of all martial arts”. 

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  1. The right hand on the right hip or chest
  2. The right hand holding the knife
  3. A center of gravity supported between both feet
  4. Bend your knees slightly
  5. Step into your throw by right foot
  6. The left hand ( fist) on the left hip or chest
  7. Swing your right forearm towards the opponent, and release the knife.

The second option:

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 Figure A)

  1. Toes are parallel
  2. The weight equally supported by both legs
  3. The feet should be about shoulder width
  4. The left foot forward
  5. The weak side of body forward
  6. Bend your knees
  7. Bring your right hand with the throwing knife  so that the knife pointing at the sky
  8. Bring the left arm so that it adjacent to your hip
  9. Pivot your body and step with your right foot
  10. Swing the right hand with the throwing knife towards the target as you pivot assuming the front stance with the left arm position about the chest height.

Notice:  By assuming these stances you create the medium distance between your throwing hand and an opponent. This is a medium way to throw a knife towards the opponent

Compare the ineffective method ( my concept called  “mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”) with the effective way of throwing knifes:

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In the Fig.3 you’ll see the effective way to throw a knife towards the opponent. In the Fig.1 and Fig.2 you can see a one of the most ineffective ways to throw the knife towards the opponent, which I have invented by scientific approach. You need to stand up and turn to the opponent ( Fig.2) before throwing a knife. When you are doing it make a circle by the hand with a knife from top to the bottom. In Fig.3 you can see a one of the effective ways to throw the knife because you don’t need several steps to throw the knife. Just short movement by the leading hand and that’s it.

                                                    More comfortable stances:

The side stance


  1. The rear feet’s heel is slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity is slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The left arm protects the mid section and head
  5. The leading hand keeps lower and it covers the the right side of the body
  6.  The strongest side forward
  7. The leading hand holds the throwing knife

The front stance ( No description added because you can read it on the picture shown below):


The front stance with the throwing knife  ( No description added because you can read it on the picture shown below):


The front stance

How to assume this stance:

1. The rear heel is slightly raised up
2. The feet are set shoulder width
3. The center of gravity slightly forward
4. The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on). The palm of none dominant hand facing upward because the strong( solid)side of arm protects better from slashes and etc.
5. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
6. Bend your knees slightly.
7. The strong side ( the right side) of body forward.

The horse stance

How to assume this stance:

1.The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on).
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle.
3. A weight supported equally by both legs
4. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
5. Bend your knees strongly down. The feet are set slightly wider than shoulder width.

The side stance

How to assume this stance:

1. The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on). The back palm pressed against chin or jaw like in boxing or modern MMA.
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle. The rear heel is slightly raised up
3. The center of gravity slightly forward
4. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
5. Bend your knees slightly. The feet are set shoulder width.
6. The strong side ( the right side) of body forward.

The side stance

1. The both balls of feet on the floor.
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle.

The front stance with extended lead hand towards the opponent



This stance has no big difference from the well known stance with extended left hand towards the goal and slightly shifted weight to the rear foot(see Fig.M).

Fig. M

I just preferred to lift up the rear heel and move a center of gravity slightly forward and thus, make it better(see Fig.J).

The front stance with the left hand which is covers head and mid section (See Fig.Z)



1. The weak side is forward.
2. The left hand protects mid section and head.
3. Bend your knees slightly.
4. The rear heel is slightly lifted up. The right hand with knife close to your head and not too far from head (as you can see in almost all throwing knife arts). Only sometimes we can extend hand far from head. The widely known position ( See Fig.Y) has no heel raised up and the left hand opens the wide part of body to opponent.


The modified stance of Ninja



1. The rear heel is slightly lifted up
2. The weight slightly shifted forward
3. Bend slightly your legs
4. The feet are set shoulder width
5. The left hand protects head and mid section
6. The strong ( right) side of body forward
7. The throwing arm protects head as well

The stance of Ninja:


This stance looks ineffective ( See Fig.V) if compare it with the modified stance of Ninja ( See Fig.N). Because the head and whole part of body opened for opponent. The rear heel is on the floor. Both legs are almost straight and et cetera.

The modified stance with throwing knives ( darts) in the none dominant hand:



More effective because:

1.The left hand holding knives. The hand position about head height
2.The lead hand ( right ) with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy
3.The strong side ( right ) of body forward
4.Bend your knees slightly
5.A center of gravity slightly forward
6.The rear heel slightly raised up


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Less effective because:

1. No heel is raised up
2. The weak side ( left side) forward
3. The weight supported equally by both legs

The modified seated positions

More effective because:

  1. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy
  2. The right side ( strongest) of the body forward
  3. The off-hand protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)

Compare the modified position ( Fig.2) with the position of the Japanese art ( Fig.1)


Figure 1


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More effective because:

  1. Kneel on the ground
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The strong side of body forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy

Figure 2


The stance in the Japanese martial art

Less effective because


  1. The weak side of body forward
  2. The left arm is held lower. It uncovers the lead side of body
  3. The right hand with the knife allows worse reach because the knife position far from opponent.

The modified stance 

  1. The off-hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, throat)
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. The feet should be about shoulder width
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The right arm held lower
  7. The strong side ( right) of body forward

The modified stance 

More effective because:

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. Bring your right arm with the knife so that it is adjacent to your ear
  6. The weak side ( left) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width
  8. The knife position allows individual more effectively to reach a target by reason his knife near to the enemy

Compare the modified stance ( Fig.1) with a stance created before ( Fig.2)


Figure 2

A stance created and widely used before:


Less effective because:

  1. No heel is raised up
  2. The left hand extended maximum towards the target. It exposed chest, head and other vital targets
  3. The knife is slightly behind your back. It exposed right side of body.
  4. The knife position reduced chances to reach a target because his knife far from the enemy

Figure 1

The modified stance

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More effective because:

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. Bring your right arm with the knife so that it is adjacent to your ear
  6. The weak side ( left) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width

Notice: The knife position allows individual more effectively to reach a target  by reason his knife near to the enemy

Compare the modified stances ( Fig. A and Fig. B) with the stance created before ( Fig. C) 


More effective because:

The knife position allows individual maximum reach because his knife held in the hand nearest to the enemy

  1. The non-dominant hand extended towards the target (Fig. A)
  2. The non-dominant hand (Fig. B) protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck).
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The right foot forward
  5. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  6. A center of gravity slightly forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width
  8. The strong side of body forward
  9. The throwing arm with the knife adjacent to your ear (Fig A) or slightly behind your back (Fig. B)


Less effective because:

  1. No heel is raised up
  2. The weak side of body forward ( left side)
  3. The knife position does not allow individual maximum reach because his knife held in the hand far to the enemy
  4. The knife is behind your back. It uncovers the right side of the body
  5. The left hand extended maximum towards the target. It exposed chest and anatomical targets.

The modified stance

  1. The knife position about head height
  2. The off-hand held lower. It protects the low line and a part of chest
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. A center of gravity slightly forward
  5. The rear heel is slightly lifted up
  6. The right foot forward
  7. The strong side of body forward

The modified stance

  1. The legs are straight or bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy
  6. The strong side ( right ) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width or wider

The side stance of Hardfight

This is a one of the ineffective stances  ( A concept which I called ” mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”).

  1. The left arm (left) fully extended
  2. The feet are set shoulder width or slightly wider
  3. Toes outward at 45 degree angles
  4. A weight supported equally by both legs or transferred slightly to the back feet
  5. Bend your knees slightly
  6. The right side of body forward
  7. The right foot forward
  8. The right arm held lower and partially extended
  9. The left hand with the knife allows minimum reach because the knife position maximum far to the enemy
  10. Look over your right shoulder towards the target

Note: If you will apply  a stance shown below you will waste more time to be able to throw the knife towards opponent.

The seated stance  of Hardfight

This is a one of the ineffective stances of hardfight ( my concept which I developed and called ” mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”).

  1. The rear heel is raised
  2. Bend down as far as you can go
  3. The right arm fully or partially extended in the front of you. The hand position about stomach height
  4. The left arm with the knife is fully extended. It allows minimum reach because the knife position maximum far to the enemy
  5. The left foot fully extended
  6. Look over your right shoulder towards the target

The stance of Hardfight

This is a one of the ineffective stances of hardfight ( my concept which I developed and called ” mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”).

  1. The left foot is fully extended
  2. Bend your right knee slightly
  3. The right arm fully or partially extended. The hand position about stomach height
  4. The left arm with the knife fully extended
  5. Look over your right shoulder towards the target

Compare the modified stance with the stance created and widely used before


Figure 1:


More effective because:

  1. The strong side of body forward
  2. The feet are set shoulder width
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. Bend your knees slightly
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, throat)
  7. The leading hand ( right hand) position allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy.

Figure 2:

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Less effective because:

  1. The left arm fully extended and it uncovers the left side of the body.
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. Bring the throwing arm so that it is behind your back
  4. The hand with the knife allows minimum reach because the knife position far from an opponent

The modified kneeling stances

  1. Bend down
  2. The knee touches the floor
  3. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  4. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

The art of throwing stones

The stances with stones in hand ( other throwing objects)  modified by me
                           The neutral stance with the stone
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  1. The right arm holding the stone
  2. The left hand protects mid section and head
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. A center of gravity supported between both feet. The stance is neutral and good for all directions.
The modified stance ( the left side is forward) 
More effective:
Insert picture description
  1. The non-dominant hand extended towards the target
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The left foot forward
  4. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The feet are set shoulder width
  7. The left side of body forward
  8. The throwing arm with the stone adjacent to your ear  or slightly behind your back

Less effective:


Less effective because:

1. The rear foot’s heel is not raised up
2. The legs often straight up

The modified stance ( the right side of body is forward )

Insert picture description
  1. The non-dominant hand extended towards the target
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The right foot forward
  4. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The feet are set shoulder width
  7. The right side of body forward
  8. The throwing arm with the stone adjacent to your ear  or slightly behind your back

The modified stance of Ninja

Insert picture description
1. The rear heel is slightly lifted up
2. The weight slightly shifted forward
3. Bend slightly your legs
4. The feet are set shoulder width
5. The left hand protects head and mid section
6. The strong ( right) side of body forward
7. The throwing arm protects head as well
The ineffective way of  throwing the stone ( a concept called  “mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”):
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In the Fig.3 you’ll see the effective way to throw a stone towards the opponent. In the Fig.1 and Fig.2 you can see a one of the most ineffective ( useless) ways to throw the stone towards the opponent, which I have invented by scientific approach. You need to stand up and turn to the opponent ( Fig.2) before throwing a stone. When you are doing it make a circle by the hand with a stone from top to the bottom. In Fig.3 you can see a one of the effective ways to throw the stone because you don’t need several steps to throw the stone. Just short movement by the leading hand and that’s it.
The modified front stance:
Insert picture description
  1. The non-dominant hand ( the back arm) protects the mid section and head
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The right foot forward
  4. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The feet are set shoulder width
  7. The right side ( strong side) of body forward
  8. The throwing arm ( the right arm) with the stone adjacent to your ear  or slightly behind your back

This is a one of the ineffective stances ( a concept  called ”mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”).

Insert picture description
1.The left arm fully extended as far as you can. This stance allows practitioner minimum reach because his stone is held in the hand maximum far from an opponent
2.The stone position about chest height
3.A center of gravity supported equally by both legs or the majority of weight is on the left leg
4.The feet are set shoulder width
5. Bend your knees slightly
6.The right arm extended as far as you can
7.Toes outward at 45 degree angles
Note: If you will apply  this stance you will waste more time to be able to throw the stone towards opponent.
The modified front stance ( See Fig. A and B)
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Insert picture description
1. The weak side ( left foot is forward) is forward.
2. The left hand protects mid section and head.
3. Bend your knees slightly.
4. The rear heel is slightly lifted up. The right hand with a stone close to your head and not too far from head (as you can see in almost all throwing knife arts). Only sometimes we can extend hand far from head.

The stance of Hardfight ( a concept which I developed and called ” mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”).

Insert picture description
  1. The left foot is fully extended
  2. Bend your right knee slightly
  3. The right arm fully or partially extended. The hand position about stomach height
  4. The left arm with the stone fully extended
  5. Look over your right shoulder towards the target

The modified stance ( right side of body forward):

Insert picture description
  1. The non-dominant hand ( the back arm) protects the mid section and head
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The right foot forward
  4. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The feet are set shoulder width
  7. The right side ( strong side) of body forward
  8. The throwing arm ( the right arm ) with the stone adjacent to your ear or even closer to your opponent.
  9. The right hand holding the stone

The most effective stance against throwing objects ( stones, and so on)

Of course, the effective way to avoid stabbing by knife or hitting by stone or punch is constantly move and never stay in a one place. But what if you can’t move or have no time for it? We’ll consider this situation. If you noticed, it is somewhat the natural reflex and people instinctively crouch and cover head and body to avoid dangerous strike when they are in the street fight. The instinctive move is often the effective move. If you will try to block or parry the thrown object you might get hit because it is not easy for ordinary person to parry or catch, for example, the stone which is thrown by somebody. In this case, the good option should be using the stance shown here ( Figure A) and B) ) .




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1.The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
2.The right arm held lower and it covers the right side of body. Bring the leading arm  so it is adjacent to your groin
4.Bend your knees slightly
5.A center of gravity slightly forward
6.The feet are set shoulder width
7.The rear heel slightly lifted up
8.The right side of the body forward

Some details:

Bring down your front arm.  The front arm should be held across your right foot. Lift up the right arm to hide your chin and big part of head behind it (Hunch your lead shoulder up toward your ear and tuck your chin to protect your face as much as possible). You have to hide your chin and head maximum behind your shoulder and avoid opponents’ throwing stones.  Keep your chin and head as low as you can, towards your chest for maximum protection. The hit might be blocked by the shoulder. The back arm covers the head by palm or fist. The hit might be blocked by right arm or hand. You can even catch the stone or other throwing object to counter by it.  It might frustrate opponent because this stance gives you very good protection and opponent’s inability to penetrate the guard. The left arm covers the mid section and makes impossible to create the real damage to your body. Rest your rear hand on your head.

The front arm and foot can get hurt with all the hits coming its way. But this is the best stance for defense against stones and objects thrown towards you. Because your face, and big part of the head as well as groin, stomach, liver and other vital points covered by the hands and head position. The foot and body position has the important role in it as well.

The modified natural position which cover head, and midsection of your body.
In soccer there is a situation when players assume the position with hands laid on the groin because they afraid to get hit by ball ( See Fig.2 ). But what if the ball hits the head? So i would prefer protect groin and head at the same time ( See Fig.1).




The soccer position

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Another defensive move

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There is the second way of defensive move against somebody who throws stones and so on. When the opponent throws a stone simply bend and lift the right foot up keeping the same position of hands and head described below. You do it to avoid possible injury of the leading foot. Moreover, it strengthens your blocking the hit by stone.

1999-2016@Copyright by Tamerlan Kuzgov

Modified stances with rifle

The stances I’ve modified:

The stance with a one knee on the ground


  1. A center of gravity slightly forward
  2. A knee on the ground
  3. The right foot forward
  4. The strong side of the body forward

The stance created before

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  1. The weak side of the body forward
  2. The left foot forward

The modified side stance with the rifle

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  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The feet are set shoulder width or slightly wider
  4. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  5. Toes outward at 45 degree angles

The stance created before:


  1. The legs straight
  2. The weight supported equally by both legs
  3. No heel is raised up
  4. The feet almost close together

The stance with the rifle or machine gun


  1. The strong side of body forward
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The right foot forward
  4. Bend your knees slightly
  5. The feet are set shoulder width
  6. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  7. The right hand sets this weapon in motion

Notice: Well-structured stance

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

Modified stances for throwing knife with a flashlight

The stances have been modified by me a long time ago

The seated positions:


  1. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy
  2. The right side ( strongest) of the body forward
  3. The off-hand protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight

The side stance 


The rear heel is slightly lifted up
2. The weight slightly shifted forward
3. Bend slightly your legs
4. The feet are set shoulder width
5. The left hand protects head and mid section and holds the flashlight
6. The strong ( right) side of body forward
7. The throwing arm protects head as well

The front stance 


1. The weak side is forward.
2. The left hand protects mid section, head and holds the flashlight.
3. Bend your knees slightly.
4. The rear heel is slightly lifted up. The right hand with knife close to your head and not too far from head (as you can see in almost all throwing knife arts). Only sometimes we can extend hand far from head. The widely known positions before had  no heel raised up and the left hand exposed the wide part of body to an opponent.

The front stance


  1. The strong side of body forward
  2. The feet are set shoulder width
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. Bend your knees slightly
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, throat)
  7. The leading hand ( right hand) position allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy.

The front stance


  1. The left arm fully extended and it uncovers the left side of the body, and it holds the flashlight.
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. Bring the throwing arm so that it is behind your back
  4. Thehand with the knife allows minimum reach because the knife position far from an opponent

The side stance


  1. The legs are straight or bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight
  5. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy
  6. The strong side ( right ) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width or wider

The front stance


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight
  5. Bring your right arm with the knife so that it is adjacent to your ear
  6. The weak side ( left) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width
  8. The knife position allows individual more effectively to reach a target by reason his knife near to the enemy


  1. The knife position about head height
  2. The off-hand held lower and holds the flashlight. It protects the low line and a part of chest
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. A center of gravity slightly forward
  5. The rear heel is slightly lifted up
  6. The right foot forward
  7. The strong side of body forward


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight
  5. Bring your right arm with the knife so that it is adjacent to your ear
  6. The weak side ( left) of body forward
  7. The feet are set shoulder width

The front stance


  1. The off-hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, throat) and holds the flashlight
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The rear heel slightly raised up
  4. The feet should be about shoulder width
  5. A center of gravity slightly forward
  6. The right arm held lower
  7. The strong side ( right) of body forward

The seated position


  1. Kneel on the ground
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The strong side of body forward
  4. The none dominant hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight.
  5. The right hand with the knife allows maximum reach because the knife position nearest to the enemy

The “horse” stance


How to assume this stance:

1.The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on) and holds the flashlight.
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle.
3. A weight supported equally by both legs
4. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
5. Bend your knees strongly down. The feet are set slightly wider than shoulder width.


How to assume this stance:

1. The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on) and holds the flashlight. The back palm pressed against chin or jaw like in boxing or modern MMA.
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle. The rear heel is slightly raised up
3. The center of gravity slightly forward
4. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
5. Bend your knees slightly. The feet are set shoulder width.
6. The strong side ( the right side) of body forward.

The side stance


How to assume this stance:

1. The off-hand protects mid section ( lung, throat, heart and so on) and holds the flashlight. The back palm pressed against chin or jaw like in boxing or modern MMA.
2. Toes outward at 45 degrees angle. The rear heel is slightly raised up
3. The center of gravity slightly forward
4. The knife position about head height. It allows maximum reach because the knife nearest to the enemy.
5. Bend your knees slightly. The feet are set shoulder width. The rear feet’s heel is slightly raised up.
6. The strong side ( the right side) of body forward.

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

Modified stances with the Spear

The stances I’ve modified:

The modified stance (Fig.2).  Compare it with a stance created before (Fig.1)

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Figure 2:

More effective because:

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  1. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The feet are set shoulder width
  4. Bring the right hand with the spear adjacent to your ear
  5. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  6. Bend your knees slightly

Notice: well-structured stance

The stance used in the Japanese martial art


Less effective because:

  1. The feet are set wider than shoulder width
  2. The leading hand held lower and uncovers the left side of the body
  3. The weight supported equally by both legs

The modified stance (see Fig.1).  Compare it with a stance created before (see Fig.2)


Figure 1:

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More effective because:

  1. The left foot forward
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  5. The right arm with the spear

Notice: well-structured stance

The stance developed before


Less effective because:

  1. The left arm fully extended towards the opponent and uncovers the weak side (left side) of the body and exposed vital points
  2. No heel is raised up

Notice: Not well-structured stance

The modified stance (see Fig. 1). Compare it with a stance created before (see Fig.2)

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Figure 1:

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  1. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  2. Bend you knees slightly
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The strong side (right side) of body forward
  5. Bring the throwing arm (the right hand) so that it is adjacent to your head. The throwing arm allows maximum reach because the throwing arm nearest to the enemy

      Notice: well-structured stance

Figure 2: 

The stance created before


  1. The left arm fully extended towards the target. It uncovers the lead side of the body and exposed vital points
  2. Bring the throwing arm behind your back. The throwing arm with weapon allows minimum reach because the throwing arm very far from opponent
  3. No heel is raised up
  4. The weight supported equally by both legs or the weight is on the left foot
  5. The legs almost straight and close together

Notice: Not well-structured stance

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

Modified stances with the hammer

The stances I’ve modified:


  1. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  2. The feet are set shoulder width
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The right foot forward
  5. The strong side (right side) of the body forward
  6. Hold the left and right elbow in the front of ribs. The left and right hand with the axe (or hammer) about shoulder height. The right hand with the axe (or hammer) allows maximum reach because the right hand nearest to the enemy.

The modified stance with a flashlight


  1. The foot explanation is the same as used in the above-mentioned stance
  2. The left arm with the flashlight across the right arm with the axe (or hammer)

The modified stance with a flashlight


  1. The explanation is the same as used in the above-mentioned stance
  2. The left hand with the flashlight

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

Modified stances with slingshot

The stances I’ve modified:

Compare the modified stance (Fig.2) with the stance used before 

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Figure 2

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More effective:

1.Bend your knees slightly
2.A center of gravity slightly forward
3.The feet are set shoulder width or slightly wider
4.The weak side ( left side ) of the body forward
5.The rear heel slightly lifted up
6.The left arm ( the leading hand) with slingshot extended towards the target
7.Pull the slingshot back with your right hand. Pull until the band is completely stretched out.

Figure 1

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Less effective:

  1. The weak side of a body forward
  2. The legs are almost straight
  3. A center of gravity supported equally between both feet
  4. The left arm extended towards the target
  5. Th legs are almost close together

The modified stance (the front stance)


1.The rear heel slightly raised up
2.A center of gravity slightly forward
3.Bend your knees slightly. The rear heel is slightly lifted up.
4.The strong side (right) of body towards the target
5.The right arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
6.The left arm fully extended. Pull the slingshot back with your right hand. Pull until the band is completely stretched out.

The new stance with slingshot 


1.Squat down
2.The strong side of the body forward
3.The right foot forward
4.The left hand with the slingshot fully extended
5.The weight supported equally by both feet or slightly forward
6.The feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width. Pull the slingshot back with your right hand. Pull until the band is completely stretched out.

The modified stance (left side)


1.The rear heel slightly raised up
2.A center of gravity slightly forward
3.Bend your knees slightly. The rear heel is slightly lifted up.
4.The weak side (left) of body towards the target
5.The right arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
6.The left arm fully extended. Pull the slingshot back with your right hand. Pull until the band is completely stretched out.

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

The modified stances with a gun

The stances with a gun I’ve modified:

The modified “horse stance” (Kiba-dachi) with the pistol

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  1. Stretch out the arm holding the gun towards the opponent
  2. Both feet are parallel
  3. A center of gravity between both feet
  4. Both feet should be about the shoulder width
  5. The left arm protects the mid-section and head. This stance might be the ready stance for any direction especially when the dominant arm holding the pistol strongly flexed. 

                                               The front stance


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The right foot forward
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The left arm (the back hand) protects the mid-section and head
  8. The pistol towards the ground

The front stance with a pistol (the right foot forward)


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The right foot forward
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The left arm (the back hand) covers the back side of body and groin
  8. The pistol towards the target

The front stance with pistol (the left foot forward)


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The left foot forward 
  6. The weak side of body forward
  7. The left arm (the back hand) covers the back side of body and groin
  8. The pistol towards the target

The natural stance with a pistol


  1. The legs gathered together
  2. A center of gravity between both legs
  3. The feet are set shoulder width
  4. The left arm (the back hand) covers the mid-section and head
  5. The pistol towards the target
  6. Toes outward at 45-degree angles
  7. The legs are straight

A one of the most ineffective stances of a concept called “mixed ineffective techniques of all martial arts”

1.The left arm fully extended as far as you can. This stance allows practitioner minimum reach because his pistol is held in the hand maximum far from an opponent
2.The gun position about chest height
3.A center of gravity supported equally by both legs or the majority of weight is on the left leg
4.The feet are set shoulder width
5. Bend your knees slightly
6.The right arm extended as far as you can
7.Toes outward at 45-degree angles

Note: If you will apply the most ineffective hold explained above you will waste more time to make effective knife hold to be able to stab or slash the target.

The front stance 

  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The strong side (right) of body towards the target
  5. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  6. The right arm fully extended
  7. The feet are set shoulder width apart

The side stance 

  1. The off hand protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. A center of gravity between both feet or slightly forward
  4. The rear foot flat on the floor
  5. The feet should be about shoulder width
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The right foot forward
  8. The right arm fully extended

Compare a way of shooting in hardfight (Fig. 1 and 2…a concept called ” mixing the ineffective techniques of all martial arts”) with Fig.3.


A way of shooting a pistol relating to a concept called ” mixing the medium techniques of all martial arts”. 




  1. Bend your knees normally (medium)
  2. The weak side (left side) of body forward
  3. Toes are parallel (or toes outward at 45-degree angles)
  4. A center of gravity between both feet
  5. Bring your right hand with the pistol so that it is adjacent to your hip.
  6. The left-hand position about the gun height
  7. The feet should be about shoulder width. See also Figure 1

Figure 1



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  1. Pivot your body and step with your right foot.
  2. The right hand with the gun should move towards the target as you pivot assuming the front stance with the left arm position about the chest height.
  3. The right hand with the pistol extended towards the target. The rear heel slightly lifted up.
  4. The feet are set shoulder width. Bend your knees slightly.

Compare the modified stance (Fig.2) with a stance used before (Fig.1)


More comfort, stability, and mobility. Therefore, it is more effective stance. See  Figure.2

Figure 2



  1. The leading hand tucked tightly to the center of chest
  2. The gun arm elbow tucked tightly into the side of the body
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width

Less effective because:

Figure 1

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  1. The legs are straight
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. The weight supported equally by both legs

Compare the modified stance (Fig.2) with a stance used before (Fig.1)


See Figure 2:


1. The strong side (right side) of body forward
2. A center of gravity slightly forward
3. The feet should be about shoulder width
4. The right foot forward
5. Bend your knees slightly
6. The rear heel slightly lifted up
7. Both hands with the pistol (the left arm partially extended) extended towards the target

Notice: well-structured stance

See Figure 1:

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Less effective because:

1. No heel is raised up
2. The legs are straight

Notice: not well structured stance

The modified stance ( Fig.2).  Compare it with a stance in Karate (Fig.1)




  1. Squat down
  2. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  3. The strong side of the body forward
  4. The right foot forward
  5. The right hand with the pistol fully extended
  6. The weight supported equally by both feet or slightly forward
  7. The feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width

The stance in Karate (See Figure. 1)

Figure 1:

img_2687 2.jpg

Compare the modified stance (see Fig.2) with a stance used before (see Fig.1)




  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The feet are set shoulder width
  4. The strong ide ( right side) of body forward
  5. Both hands with the gun fully extended towards the target

Figure 1

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See the difference:

  1. The weak side (left) of body forward
  2. The rear foot flat on the floor

The modified stance (Fig.3). Сompare with stances used before ( Fig. 2, 1 ) 


Figure. 3


More effective because:

  1. Toes outward at 45 degree angles
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly or both legs slightly straight
  4. The left arm tucked tightly to the center of the chest
  5. The feet are set shoulder width or slightly wider
  6. The right hand with the pistol extended towards the target

Figure 2 or the stances developed many years ago

Less effective because:

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  1. No heel is raised up
  2. Usually, legs are straight

Figure 1

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  1. The legs are straight
  2. The left toe at 45 degree angles
  3. No heel is raised up

Compare the modified stance (Fig. 3) with stances developed before ( Fig. 2 and Fig.1) 


Figure 3


  1. The weak side of body forward
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. A center of gravity slightly forward
  4. The rear heel slightly raised up
  5. The feet are set shoulder width
  6. Both hands with the gun extended in the front of you

Notice: well-structured stance

Figure 2

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  1. The weight supported equally by both legs
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. Notice: not well structured stance

Figure 1

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  1. legs are straight
  2. The feet are close together

The modified stance (see Fig. 2).  Compare it with a stance created before (see Fig.1)

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Figure 2


More comfort, stability, and mobility. As result it is more effective stance. Because:

  1. The leading hand tucked tightly to the center of chest
  2. The gun arm elbow tucked tightly into the side of the body
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width

Figure 1 or the stance created before:

img_2685-copy 2.jpg

Less effective because:

  1. The legs are straight
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. The weight supported equally by both legs

The modified natural stance (see Fig.2) compare with a stance created before ( see  Fig.1)


Figure 2


  1. A center of gravity supported equally by both legs
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. The feet are set shoulder width apart
  4. The legs are straight
  5. The left arm protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  6. The right arm fully extended with the pistol

Advantage: Comfort and covered vital points

Disadvantage: It might be harder to have trigger and recoil control

Figure 1

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  1. A center of gravity slightly forward
  2. The legs are straight
  3. No heel is raised up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width apart
  5. The left hand tucked tightly to the center of the chest
  6. The first of the left hand clenched and palm of that hand be facing upward
  7. The right arm fully extended

Disadvantage: Uncovered vital points

Advantage: Better trigger and recoil control

The modified stance (Fig.2).  Compare with a stance developed before (Fig.1)


The front stance stance (see Fig.2)


More comfort, stability, mobility, and as a result more effective stance because:

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward or between both feet
  3. The feet should be about shoulder width or slightly wider
  4. Toes outward at 45-degree angles
  5. The none shooting hand tucked tightly to the center of the chest
  6. The right arm with the pistol fully extended towards the target

Figure 1 or the stance developed before

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Less comfort, mobility, stability and as result less effective because:

  1. The legs are straight
  2. No heel is raised up
  3. The weight supported equally by both legs

The modified stances

A) The front stance

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  1. The right side of body (the strong side) towards the target
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. A center of gravity slightly forward
  5. The feet are set shoulder width
  6. The left arm protects your mid-section and at the same time stabilizes and controls your leading hand with the pistol.

B) The side stance ( Fig.1)


  1. The feet should be about shoulder width
  2. Toes outward at 45 degree angles
  3. The legs are straight or slightly bent
  4. The right side ( the strong side ) of body forward
  5. The rear heel slightly raised up
  6. A center of gravity slightly forward
  7. The left arm protects mid-section and it holds your body

The modified stance ( Fig.2). Compare it with a stance developed before (see Fig.1)

Figure 2


More effective because:

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The feet are set shoulder width or slightly wider
  4. The weak side ( left side ) of the body forward
  5. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  6. Both hand with the pistol extended
  7. The left arm partly extended

Figure 1

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Less effective because:

  1. No heel is lifted up
  2. The weight is on the right foot or supported equally by both feet

Compare the way of shooting shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4 with Fig.2 and Fig.1


In the Fig.3 and Fig.4 you’ll see the effective way to throw a hand with pistol towards the opponent like in the western movies of 60s. It is effective because you don’t need several steps before pulling a trigger. In the Fig.1 and Fig.2 you can see a one of the most ineffective (useless) ways to point a gun and shoot the opponent, which I have invented by scientific approach. You need to stand up and turn to the opponent before making a shot. When you are doing it your left hand with a pistol making a circle from top to the bottom.

The modified stance 

  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The strong side ( right) of body towards the target
  5. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  6. Bring the right hand so that it is adjacent to your hip
  7. The feet are set shoulder width apart
  8. The pistol pointing the target

The modified stance


  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The weak side ( left ) of body towards the target
  5. The left arm ( leading hand) protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  6. Bring the right hand so that it is adjacent to your hip
  7. The feet are set shoulder width apart
  8. The pistol pointing the target

The modified stance



  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The right foot forward
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The lead arm ( right arm) held lower and covers the lead side of body
  8. The pistol pointing at the floor

The modified stance

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The right foot forward
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The right arm ( the leading hand ) covers the lead side of body
  8. The pistol pointing to the sky

The modified kneeling stance

  1. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  2. The right foot forward
  3. The kneel on the ground
  4. The rear heel is lifted up
  5. The right hand extended with the pistol

The modified left side stance (kneeling position)


  1. The left foot forward
  2. The knee does not touch the ground
  3. The rear heel is lifted up
  4. The left hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. The right hand extended with the pistol

The modified left side stance (kneeling stance)

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  1. Bring the right hand so that it is adjacent to your hip
  2. The left foot forward
  3. The right knee does not touch the ground
  4. The left arm covers the left side of the body. The elbow of the left arm on the left knee
  5. The rear heel is lifted up

The modified stance

  1. The none dominant hand protects mid-section (lung, heart, neck)
  2. A knee on the ground
  3. The strong side of body forward
  4. The right foot forward

The modified natural stance

  1. The legs are straight
  2. No heel is lifted up
  3. The feet close together
  4. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck)
  5. The right hand with the gun pointing the gun over the shoulder

The new stance with a pistol

  1. The weak side of body forward
  2. The feet are set shoulder width apart
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The feet parallel or toes outward at 45 degree angles
  5. Bring your right hand with the gun so that a gun pointing at the sky
  6. Bring the left arm so that it is adjacent to your hip
  7. The left palm turned upward
  8. The left foot forward
  9. The weight supported equally by both legs

Notice: The stance from a one of the fundamental martial arts or concepts ” mixing the medium techniques of all martial arts”. You can see the medium distance between you and an opponent, and a way to throw a hand with weapon towards the opponent (pistol).

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov

Modified stances with pistol and flashlight

The modified  stance ( front stance)


  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. The rear heel slightly lifted up
  4. The feet are set shoulder width
  5. The right foot forward
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The lead arm ( right arm) held lower and covers the lead side of body
  8. The pistol pointing at the floor
  9. The left hand holding flashlight

The side stance with the flashlight

  1. Bend your knees slightly
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward or between both feet
  3. The feet should be about shoulder width or slightly wider
  4. Toes outward at 45 degree angles
  5. The none shooting hand holds the flashlight
  6. The right arm with the pistol fully extended towards the target

The side stance with flashlight

  1. The off hand protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight.
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. A center of gravity between both feet or slightly forward
  4. The rear feet’s heel is slightly raised up
  5. The feet should be about shoulder width
  6. The strong side of body forward
  7. The right foot forward
  8. The right arm fully extended

The “horse” stance with the flashlight

  1. Squat down
  2. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight
  3. The strong side of the body forward
  4. The right foot forward
  5. The right hand with the pistol fully extended
  6. The weight supported equally by both feet or slightly forward
  7. The feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width

The front stance with the flashlight

  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The strong side ( right) of body towards the target
  5. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight
  6. The right arm fully extended
  7. The feet are set shoulder width apart

The front stance with flashlight ( The modified stance with  Harries technique)

  1. The rear heel slightly raised up
  2. A center of gravity slightly forward
  3. Bend your knees slightly
  4. The strong side ( right) of body towards the target
  5. The left arm protects mid-section ( lung, heart, neck) and holds the flashlight. Cross your left hand under your gun hand, and then pressing the back of your left hand against the back of your right hand.
  6. The right arm fully extended
  7. The feet are set shoulder width apart

© 1999-2016 Tamerlan A Kuzgov